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Cyber Security Threats and Attacks: All You Need to Know

With the evolution of the world and modernizing of commodities, everything has shifted to an online alternative with the brands' companies clients in people all going digital to provide an avail services and products the internet population has grown in leaps and bounds in the last decade or so. With more and more people joining in the internet revolution and playing their parts in building an engaging and connected network of people around the globe there has been a boom in user data as a result.

The Internet without doubt has brought people together and made the world a more connected place than ever before with ease of access connectivity and more the list of benefits the internet provides is plenty endless there are a few yet worrying disadvantages the internet brings along. With the Hike in people connected on the internet, the user data collected through all devices around the world has gone up a long side and has lately been seen as a case of invasion of privacy and infiltrating personal space. This paid with the conventional age-old internet threats such as those of getting hacked and so on pose great danger to anyone on the internet.

While agreeing to the data policies of certain absent software are instances where you give access to your data information willingly there are a lot of times and infiltration and collection of data or a breach in the security of your device without you even knowing. While the prior instance is of a voluntary 1 and depending upon the user's preference could be agreed upon or opted out of. The letter is the more threatening and unlawful instance.

For Once safety and enlightenment on the topic of such relevance in today's day and time. We lay down 10 cyber security threats and attacks which seek to steal, copy or disrupt Life on the Internet in general:

Types of Cybersecurity Threats
1) Malware

The most common of all are cyber security threats. Malware is defined as malicious software including ransomware viruses, worms, and more which are installed onto the system when I user clicks unauthorized mail or link through websites or otherwise. Once this mail where gets installed through whatever way it collects critical components of the network damages in system information and gathers data among other threats

2) Phishing

As in the practice of fishing in water bodies, fishes are made to believe that the fish beat placed on the hook is legitimate food for them. Similarly in digital phishing users are made to believe malicious males to be from legitimate sources which on clicking leads to the installation or disclosure of sensitive information like those address phone number and credit card details among others. Fishing is one of the most commonly practiced cyber crimes.

3) Spear Phishing

Similar to the phishing sphere fishing as the name suggests targets a specific crowd of people such as those executives and high-profile workers. This ensures a lesser successful rate of fishing yet a higher prophet percentage out of the fewer baited ones for cybercriminals.

4) Man in the Middle Attack

Man in the middle or MITM attacks occur when cybercriminals act as intermediaries between two parties communicating once the cybercriminals interpret the communication between the parties they may accordingly filter and copy sensitive data and respond to the user with an aim to infiltrate and excavate more personal information.

According to Netcraft, 95% of HTTPS servers are vulnerable to MITM

5) Denial of Service Attack

These attacks are aimed at overdosing systems, networks, and servers with massive user traffic generated through the cyber criminals which then blocks or crashes system websites and leads to the inability to fulfill genuine user requests.

2019 saw a hike in capital DoSS attacks with a whopping 8.4 million instances.

6) SQL Injection

A Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attack occurs when cybercriminals attempt to access the database by uploading malicious SQL scripts. Once successful, the malicious actor can view, change, or delete data stored in the SQL database.

SQL injection accounts for nearly 65.1% of all web application attacks.

7) Zero-day Exploit

An uncommon yet dangerous threat. Zero-day exploit attacks occur when software or hardware vulnerability or expiry dates are announced. Cybercriminals exploit this opportunity before a patch or solution is implemented.

Comparatively new to the list of threats, zero daylight threats are estimated to rise to one per day by the start of 2022.

8) Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)

As the name suggests. This cyber-attack consists of cyber criminal gaining access to one system for a considerably long period of time and using it as per his convenience and needs to exploit data, information, and more.

As the name suggests. This cyber-attack consists of cyber criminal gaining access to one system for a considerably long period of time and using it as per his convenience and needs to exploit data, information, and mor

9) Ransomware

A type of malware attack where the cyber criminal encryption locks the data or system of users, clients, and companies and asks for a Ransome in return for providing them access back and blackmails them to publish, leak or sell their data.

Ransomware attacks are estimated to cost global organizations USD 20 billion by 2022.

10) DNS Attack

A DNS attack is a cyberattack in which cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in the Domain Name System (DNS). The attackers leverage the DNS vulnerabilities to divert site visitors to malicious pages (DNS Hijacking) and remove data from compromised systems (DNS Tunneling).

Cyber Threat Actors

In order to respond effectively to a cyberattack, it’s imperative to know the threat actors and understand their tactics, techniques, and procedures.

In Conclusion:

As we keep trading on a journey of evolution and advancement in fields of technology the hackers grow more sophisticated and threatening every day. Commoners and organizations like grow even more vulnerable to these attacks.

As we keep trading on a journey of evolution and advancement in fields of technology the hackers grow more sophisticated and threatening every day. Commoners and organizations like grow even more vulnerable to these attacks.

No matter what scale of business or website you run or what level of cyber security maturity you possess there is always room for improvement and betterment especially with a tacker evolving every day one needs to improve their shield accordingly. We at GENIOUSBIT TECHNOLOGIES provide you with leading cyber security at affordable rates among other internet services.

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